The college expects students to fulfill their academic obligations through honest and responsible effort. In a community of scholars committed to truth, dishonesty violates the code of ethics by which we live and is considered a serious offence subject to strong disciplinary actions. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following :
* Knowingly furnishing false or misleading information.
* Falsification , alteration or misuse of college forms or records.
* Any joint effort in examinations, assignments or other academic activity unless authorized by the lecturer.
* Plagiarism in any form e.g. using another’s phrase, sentence or paragraph without citation marks ; using another’s idea or structure without properly acknowledging the source ; or using the work of someone else’s and submitting it as one’s own.
* Willfully aiding another in any act of academic dishonesty.
* Corpus Christi College is equally concerned about the interpersonal social relationships that affect the learning environment. Respect for the conditions necessary to enhance learning is , therefore, required.