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Examination Rules

a] No student is allowed in the examination rule unless permitted by the supervisor(s)

b] Students should arrive at the examination venue at least 15 minutes before the examination is due to start

c] During reading time no student is allowed to write, No student shall communicate with another in the examination room unless authorized by supervisors, students may not have in their possession while in the examination venue any written or printed material,any electronic or computing device including all cellphones,capable of storing material,or any device that is capable of transmitting,storing or receiving messages.

d] No student may continue writing an answer after the supervisor has announced the expiration of time. No student shall enter the examination room later than 45 minutes after the beginning of the examination.

e] Students may leave the examination room after one hour has elapsed. They are not permitted to re-enter the examination room. Non-attendance at examinations is only permitted under the following circumstances.

1. Medical reason – A medical certificate from a registered physician to the lecturer with a signed letter stating that the student is unable to sit the exam on a given date.

2. Very special circumstances such as a death in the family- Prior approval must be sought from the Principal who will then inform the lecturer concerned.