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Corpus Christi Teachers College is a teacher training institution owned by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Suva. The college aims to prepare intelligent, mature and caring Catholic teachers who can nurture the spiritual lives of their students especially in their Catholic faith. Catholic teachers see their

College Program

13TH FEBRUARY – 17TH FEBRUARY, 2023  Day/Date   Activity   Time   Venue   Monday 13th    Enrollment – Year 1   8.00am – 4.00pm   Hall/Office   Tuesday 14th    Recollection – Year 2 & Year 3   8.00am – 1.00pm   Hall/Chapel   Wednesday 15th    Recollection – Year 1   8.00am – 1.00pm   Hall/Chapel    Thursday 16th    Orientation

TSLS – Existing Student Avisory

TSLS is now accepting advisory applications from continuing students for Academic Term1 of 2023.

The Christian Catholic Teacher

DOCUMENTS OF VATICAN II, 1963-1965, ROME EDUCATION: TEACHERS Beautiful therefore, and truly solemn is the vocation of all those who assist parents in fulfilling their tasks and who represent human society as well, by undertaking the role of school teacher. This calling requires extraordinary qualities of

Integral Formation

Education and Training A student is responsible for his/her participation in the teacher training course in relation to lesson plans, files, teaching aids, blackboard work, assignments and research associated with these activities that must be completed to the required standard and submitted on the due dates.